Rodent issues can be extremely difficult to deal with. When you’re at your wit’s end about what to do, turn to Arrow Pest Control for a solution. Since 1995, we’ve been providing reliable rodent removal services to homeowners in DeSoto, Palmer, TX and surrounding areas, including Waxahachie, Cedar Hill, Mansfield and Grand Prairie.
Call 972-230-6265 now to talk to our exterminators about your rodent problem. We’d be glad to give you a free estimate on rodent control services over the phone.
Our rodent control methods include setting up bait in high-traffic areas. Common traffic routes for rodents include:
Once those critters have taken the bait, we can come back to provide you with rodent removal services. Contact us today to make an appointment in DeSoto & Palmer, TX or a surrounding area.
New ParagDeSoto, TX 75115raph